Who Can Participate In The European RoboCupJunior 2024?
The European RoboCupJunior Championship is accessible to RoboCupJunior teams from Europe. Teams must secure their place through regional RoboCupJunior events held within each country. It is through these contests that participants are chosen for both the World Championship and the European Championship. Only teams that qualify in this manner are eligible to compete in the European Championship.
European RoboCupJunior Quotes and Representatives
Many European countries have a RoboCupJunior Representative representing the teams of each country. The RoboCupJunior Representative is the main contact for teams to answer questions related to participation in the European Championship. He/She registers qualified RoboCupJunior teams for the European Championship.
The European RoboCupJunior representatives and the odds for each country are listed in the table below.
Registration deadline is 15 May 2024!
Registration takes place via the person responsible for the individual regions. The respective regional committees will receive access to the registration in good time and can register teams there. If you have any questions, please contact your regional committee. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you country is not in the list above, it does not have a RoboCupJunior Regional Representative. If you intend to participate with your RoboCupJunior team, please contact the organizers of the European RoboCupJunior 2024 directly with your participation request using ecs@robocup.de.
There are the following fees for teams and team members:
RoboCupJunior team fee:
110 EUR
RoboCupJunior team member fee:
55 EUR
RoboCupJunior team advisor fee:
55 EUR
The payment will take place after the deadline. As there are currently still some teams missing. We hope for your understanding and for your patience.
There is no separate contingent of blocked hotels. Just book the hotel that suits you. Hannover offers a large selection of hotels and a good public transport system.